Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Very Best Way to Lose Weight

If you're tired of trying all the newest and greatest fad diets that come along, consider putting the brakes on all the ridiculous things you have been doing to lose weight and keep it off like drinking gallons of cabbage soup and meal replacement shakes.

The very best way to lose weight is to just do the same things successful dieters do who have lost weight and have kept it off. That's the key to successful weight loss

Here's a list of the things successful dieters do according to research:

  1. Eat fewer calories than they burn each day 
  2. Opt for a low-calorie and low-fat diet
  3. Exercise regularly
  4. Keep a food journal
  5. Join a weight loss support group
  6. Weigh themselves once a day
 If you follow these six things, you're basically guaranteeing you'll finally lose those extra pounds and keep them off permanently.

Eat Fewer Calories Than You Burn Each Day

Eating fewer calories than you burn each day is no big secret. Health professionals have been saying this for years. Yet, all these new fad diets promise you'll drop pounds if you just eliminate carbs, eliminate specific food groups or just eat raw food. It's crazy. Moreover, diets that promise you'll lose weight quickly never mention that 95 percent of people who lose weight fast, quickly gain those pounds back after they go off their diets.

Go for a Low-Calorie, Low Fat Diet

Low-calorie, low fat diets seem to work well for most people. Low-carb diets typically help people lose weight at the beginning of the diet; however, it's near impossible to stick to such a food plan for the long term. Experts also state that too much protein in your diet can be hard on the liver.

Exercise Regularly

I've read copious amounts of research that states people who exercise regularly lose more weight and keep it off for long periods of time. Exercise is also excellent for your health. It gives you more energy, prevents disease, fights depressions and simply makes you look better physically. Make it a priority to spend a half an hour to forty-five minutes exercising every day.

Keep a Food Diary

People who keep a food diary, according to studies, lose double the amount of pounds compared to their non-food diary counterparts. Track the food you eat and its nutritional value. Write down where and when you eat. Most importantly, write down your feelings.

Soon you'll notice a pattern in your eating habits. For example, you may notice that you tend to overeat when you're not taking care of yourself in your relationships. Your boss criticizes you for not getting a project done on time, your mother berates you for gaining weight, your significant other wants you to take on his or her responsibilities or your children want to borrow money all the time.

It's these little things like this that may be pushing you over the edge. Instead of setting boundaries with people, you head straight for Ben and Jerry's to assuage your feelings of being a victim. You're angry, frustrated and just plain tired of being everyone's doormat, so you eat to desensitize yourself to your feelings. These may be just some of the reasons you overeat. The main point of a food dairy is to track these experiences and look for healthier behaviors to deal with them rather than sticking that spoon into a cartoon of ice cream.

Join a Weight Loss Support Group

There are lots of weight loss support groups and getting help from others who are on the same journey as you is a powerful motivator for losing extra pounds.

You could try Overeaters Anonymous or Join Weight Watchers. You can always ask your doctor about group support and check with your local community service center. The best part is you'll learn what others are doing to fight off extra pounds. Losing weight is not a journey you should go on alone.

Weigh Yourself Every Day

Research shows that people who regularly hold themselves accountable to the scale lose more weight and are more inclined to keep it off permanently. Make sure to track your weight and don't freak out about day-to-day fluctuations in weight which can go up as much as five pounds a day from water weight. Just make sure to notice a trend over time.

If you follow these simple rules, you find it's really possible to finally lose weight and keep it off for good. The best part about these weight loss tips is they're free and they're things you do consistently and forever to help you finally end your weight struggles

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